Homestead Ward

For church use only

This is not an official site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Homestead Ward 

Sacrament Meeting Program & Announcements (see below)

October 13, 2024

Presiding: Bishop Heugly

Conducting: Bishop Heugly

Organist: Nancy Bliss

Music Leader: Callie Wade

Opening Hymn: #219, Because I Have Been Given Much 

Opening Prayer: Sister Phoebe 

Sacrament Hymn: #1016, Behold the Wounds in Jesus Hands 


Speaker: Mark Blosil 

Rest Hymn:  #1017, This is The Christ 

Speaker:  Driggs Walker

Closing Hymn: #98, I Need Thee Every Hour

Closing Prayer:  Jewel Walters 

Homestead Ward Calendar & Other Important News/Information 

Annual Tithing Declaration: September 1st - October 13th.  Tithing declaration begins. Bishop Heugly looks forward to meeting with you to record your tithing declaration. All members of a family, including children, are invited to attend together. Please text or call Jim May (435-671-1229) to set up an appointment. October 20th - November 24th, we’ll start having dedicated times each Sunday for tithing declaration until the end of November, we’ll send out a signup sheet at the beginning of October. 

Youth FSY Registration Begins for 2025: October 22 Youth must be no younger than 14 by December 31 of the year the participant attends and no older than 18 by the end of the session they plan to attend. Click here for details

Ward Halloween Party: October 24th @ 6PM Join us for a Spooktacular ward Halloween party with dinner and games. click here for food sign up!

Young Single Adult Devotional: November 3, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. Elder David A. Bednar and Sister Susan K. Bednar will speak to young adults during a worldwide devotional on Sunday, All young adults ages 18 - 35 are invited to participate.

Addiction Recovery: General Addiction and Spouse & Family Support Meetings are held on Sundays at 5:30pm in the Seminary Building located

at 249 East 800 South in Heber City. These are held in separate rooms. Men's Pornography Addiction Meetings are held on Thursdays at 7:30 pm at 240 East 400 South in Heber City. General Addiction Meetings held on Thursdays at 7:30 pm at 100 W. Center St., Kamas.

Temple Recommends: Please reach out to Brother Firth at 435-671-2635 to schedule a time for a temple recommend interview with a counselor in the Bishopric. Note: The stake presidency conducts temple recommend interviews Wednesday night from 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM at the Stake Center. 

Homestead Ward Meeting Schedule: Sacrament Meeting: 10:30 am; 1st & 3rd Sunday:  Sunday School / Primary; 2nd & 4th Sunday: Priesthood and RS / Primary

Meet with Bishop Heugly: If you would like to meet with Bishop Heugly, please reach out to Brother May at 435-671-1229 to schedule an appointment.

Ward Directory Access: If you own a home/residence in our ward and visit from time-to-time, we would love to be able to get to know you better.  Please contact Brother Smythe at 925-270-9364, he can help grant you access as an out-of-unit member.  This will not transfer your primary records into our ward, but give you access to our directory.

Church Magazines: The Church magazines are now available to members around the world at no cost. Sign up for an annual subscription to: The Liahona (for adults).

For the Strength of Youth (for ages 12–18). The Friend (for children). In a statement about this new initiative, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained, “The Church wants to give greater access to the words of the prophets, and we are excited to make the printed copies of the Church magazines available at no cost” (Aug. 1, 2023, How to Subscribe to the Print Magazines: Visit Sign in using a Church account. (If you need a Church account, sign up for one at no cost at Click the Subscribe button next to your magazine or magazines of choice. Fill in your mailing address and language preference. The first issue will arrive in about two months.

Education Utah Initiative: The Utah Area Presidency has initiated a new Church Education program.  Its purpose is to help members receive higher education.  Specialists and Mentors have been called to help members enroll in institutions of higher learning, where they can receive certificates, degrees, or further skills that will bless their lives, both spiritually and temporally, while increasing their earning potential. Contact our ward mentors to discover all you can be through higher education! Receive one-on-one help with applications, scholarships and financial aid.  Now's the time!  Please call Brother Tom Reed and Sister Karen Reed at 719-357-2821.

Ward History Stories: For the first time, all ward members may read what is being sent to the church archives from our Homestead Ward unit and the Midway West Stake.  Check out the exciting, spiritual, and inspirational stories of our members activities and experiences (with photos!) as soon as they are approved and posted on this new site. Information is also posted on how to submit a story. We have a very dynamic ward and the new ward history site will become a great source of highlights with the bishopric and organization leaders leading the way, as we record our lives and how the Lords hand can be seen in our day.  Sister Susette Gertsch, ward history specialist can also answer questions (801) 755-6730.  Please check out the new site at: