Missionary Newsletter

updates from missionaries 

serving from our ward!

September 2024

Sister Avonleah Betts

Belgium Netherlands Mission


Sister Asia Wade

Georgia Atlanta Mission


I'm in this little town about the size of Heber City, named Thomaston, and it has a couple Midway-sized satellite towns that are also in our area, so I feel right at home! I'm training a sister named Sister Simmons, and she is the best! She's picking everything up so quickly and is learning to follow the Spirit amazingly. I love this ward, they're all so sweet. 

Something I have been working very hard on this transfer is strengthening my testimony of Jesus Christ as my Savior and Redeemer. I have learned so much focusing on this aspect of my testimony, and the biggest thing is that He is always there. Even when we do not see Him, even for people that don't believe in Him, even when we are struggling and doubting, He is ALWAYS there, reaching out His hand towards us. I know that Jesus is MY Savior. I know that He is always there, and that He loves me unconditionally. And I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can know Him and feel His love too. 

Thank you for everything you do for the ward! I really appreciate the prayers and support! 

Sister Asia Wade

Elder Easton Brown

Brazil Sao Paulo Mission


Elder Coleman Childs

Zimbabwe Bulawayo Mission

Washington DC South Mission (temporary)


What is up homestead ward! I miss you all and hope you're all doing well!

Some quick updates for those who don't know! But my original assignment is in Zimbabwe but my visa hasn't come yet, so I'm reassigned to the Washington DC South Mission for the time being!

1. The last week of MTC was great! The spirit was truly amazing at the mtc and I miss having it in my life as much as I did there. All the devotionals there were always so amazing! And everyone on campus truly wanted the best for you and had so much love for you, so I thought that was always super cool. And lastly I had an amazing district that I loved hanging out with. They all had very amazing testimonys and I was super grateful I got to meet them and spend the 2.5 weeks with them! Love and miss you district 29-E

2. First few weeks into the feild we just had 2 lessons fall through and were sitting inside most of the day because the rain and I honestly was feeling a little homesick. I decided to pray and ask my heavenly father to help me not focus on myself and focus on the work and helping others and staying distracted. Me and Elder Simpson went to the church shortly after because we wanted to study somewhere else but so we decided to go to the church. We were sitting kind of near the doors of the church and while we were studying a man walked up to the glass door and knocked on it. We let him in and he asked if we had any water. We gave him water and he asked if we by chance had any shoes he could borrow. We looked and most of his souls of his shoes were gone (photo of the shoes in the google photos link). But I told him if he could wait there for 30 minutes we could run back and I could grab some of my shoes from our apartment. He started to smile and said "really that would be so amazing" so we hurry and road back to our apartment and grabbed my tennis shoes and went back and he was still there. We walked inside and he tried them on and they fit perfectly! I asked what his name was and he told us his name was Branden. I then went on to introduce myself and then told branden that he could have my shoes. His face lit up and there was so much joy in the room. He thanked us and continued to tell us he doesn't have much so he's very grateful. He continued to explain he had been looking for a church and so we gave him a small lesson and gave him a book of mormon and he was so happy. We invited him to church with us and he said he would love to join us.

Overall Braden was a huge inspiration to me. He had been walking in wet soaking shoes with no souls on the bottoms for who knows how long, and yet he was still so happy and had a love that I don't see very often before we gave him anything. 

3.Honestly the past 2 months have been great. I have been starting to get more used to the mission life style. The slower but also more busy lifestyle. It was definitely weird and hard at first, and I can already imagine its gonna be the same thing all over again when I get to zimbabwe. But I'm starting to really like it on the mission. Me and my comp are pretty different and he is pretty up tight but its been good for me. I know I need it and it's been teaching me a lot, so I have been super grateful for him, even though sometimes its been a struggle. Besides that Utah I love you with my whole heart but its been so good to see what the real worlds like out of the Utah bubble. There is some wild people here in DC but I love it. Out here its definitely not like utah where 80% of the people you see are members. It's kind of just you and your comp against the world but I love it. The friends we have made the past few weeks have been so amazing, and 2 of them are thinking about getting baptized and I am so excited for them. I have never been so proud to be a member of this amazing church and all the blessings that come with it. Having the opportunity to share the gospel is such a blessing and I'm grateful to wear Christs name on my chest every day, and get the opportunity to gather Israel 1 person at a time :)

That's a little bit about the past 2 1/2 months! If any of you would like to hear more details about the journey more often just email me at Coleman.childs@missionary.org and I can throw you on my email list!

Love and miss you all,

Elder Childs

Elder Ephraim Drennan

Colorado, Colorado Springs Mission


Wow it's crazy how much time flies! I've been on my mission for 21 months now... I recently got transferred to my 5th area which is the Explorer Park ward here in Colorado Springs! I didn't travel far. They sent me across Briargate Parkway and gave me a bike instead of a car. It's not that bad when it's not raining!!

Anyways, I have loved my mission so much. Recently, I've been able to reflect on it and the growth that I've experienced! It has been such a joyous process. A scripture this past week stood out to me:

3 Nephi 18:7

7 And this shall ye do in remembrance of my body, which I have shown unto you. And it shall be a testimony unto the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.

This is right after Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament in the America's. Each of us are blessed to be able to partake of that. However, we can ALWAYS choose to remember Him! And when we do we invite the Spirit into our lives. The Spirit that changes hearts, minds, thoughts! I can promise that as you do more to remember Him, the repentance process will take greater effect in your life. Necessary changes will be easier to make. And through that you will find more joy! I love you. I love my Savior! And can say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Ephraim Drennan


Elder Eli Nokes

Romania Bucharest Mission


I am serving in a city called Oradea now and it is on the border of Hungary. The mission is so amazing and we have a great opportunity to talk to so many cool people every day. The mission is such an amazing experience to grow and change into who Heavenly Father wants you to be. I love the people here and I love serving God and His children here in Romania!  

Vârstnicul Nokes 

Elder Marty and Sister Stacey Reeder

Korea Seoul South Mission

stacey.reeder@missionary.org  martin.reeder@missionary.org